Final results
Special awards
The Evaluation Committee has been particularly impressed by the products of all teams participating in the competition and has decided to give also two special awards:
- for Junior category, the project of Mare2018 (Istituto Comprensivo S. Colonna, Monteroni) because of the effort of the team to analyze the topic on more than one level of spatial scale, at Mediterranean level and at local level (Salento)
- for Senior category, the project of Super hot fire hoody gang ( 8th Junior - Senior High School in Chalandri), because of global interest of the treated topic, i.e., the sea pollution related to factories and ships, and effectiveness of the presentation with the use of a very interesting tool.
A special thanks for the teams that have made the effort to carry out a research project about the sea despite being located far from the sea.
Awarding ceremony
The awarding ceremony will be held on May 24th 2018. The teams that are going to be awarded are:
Junior Category
1. EcologicaMente
2. Mare2018
Senior Category
1. I pescatori
2. Super hot fire hoody gang